Board of Directors
Current Board Members
President: Dave Niedermaier
Vice President: Paula Crocker
Treasurer: Austin Vernon
Secretary: Liz Hamilton
Members at Large
Barbara Gomez
Laurie Holden
Betty Mangum
Chris Miller
Maria Motta
Dan Pate
Rick Reed
Brenda Sorrese
Twila Tuxbury
Sandhills/Moore Coalition Board of Directors
… provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance. The board is responsible for overall policy, direction and financial management of the Coalition but delegates the day-to-day operation to the Executive Director.
Covenant Congregations
The Coalition was established in 1986 by eleven charter churches*. Today 64 congregations support our mission through in-kind and monetary donations as well as providing volunteers. Supporting congregations include:
Bethesda Presbyterian Church
Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church
Beulah Hill Baptist Church
*Brownson Memorial Presbyterian
Calvary Baptist Church
Cameron Baptist Church
Cameron Presbyterian Church
Chapel In The Pines
Christ Church Anglican
Christ Community Church
Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Way Deliverance
*Community Congregational Church
Community Friends Church
Community Presbyterian Church
Congregational Church of Pinehurst
Cool Springs Methodist
Culdee Presbyterian Church
Cypress Presbyterian Church
Deep Creek Baptist Church
Doubs Chapel United Methodist Church
*Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Eureka Presbyterian Church
Fairview Baptist Church
Faithful Bible Church
Faith Missionary Baptist Church
First Baptist Church of Aberdeen
First Baptist Church of Pinehurst
*First Baptist Church of Southern Pines
First Baptist Church of West End
First Church of Christ Scientist
First Presbyterian Church Carthage
Fryes Chapel Freewill Baptist Church
Grace Church
Harrington Chapel Freewill Baptist Church*
Jackson Springs Presbyterian Church
Jesus is King Deliverance Church
Manly Presbyterian Church
Our Lady of the Americas Catholic Church
Our Saviour Lutheran Church*
Page Memorial United Methodist Church
Pinebluff United Methodist Church
Pinehurst United Methodist Church
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
Prosperity Friends Church
Redeemer Church, PCA
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sandhills Alliance Church
Sandhills Assembly Church of God
Sandhills Jewish Congregation
Seventh Day Adventist of Southern Pines
Southern Pines United Methodist
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church*
St. James Lutheran Church*
St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Trinity AME Zion Church*
Trinity Christian Fellowship Church
The Village Chapel
Union Presbyterian Church
West End Presbyterian Church
West End United Methodist Church
White Hill Presbyterian Church
Yates-Thagard Baptist Church
Gilmore Client Services
1500 W. Indiana Avenue
Southern Pines, NC 28387
(910) 693-1600
The Coalition Resale Shops
1117 W. Pennsylvania Avenue
Southern Pines, NC 28387
(910) 246-9845